How to Track Sales Metrics That Drive Real Revenue Growth

June 30, 2024

You’ve been busting your butt to boost sales and now the big question is: Is all that effort actually paying off? If you don’t have a solid way to track key sales metrics, you’ll never really know. The truth is, most businesses measure vanity metrics that make them feel good but don’t actually drive revenue growth.

To build a high-performing sales team, you need to focus on the metrics that truly matter. Things like win rate, average deal size, and sales cycle length tell you how effectively your team is operating. Measuring lead response time and conversion rate helps ensure you’re not leaving money on the table by ignoring promising opportunities or wasting time on dead-end leads.

If you want to take your sales game to the next level, you have to move beyond just measuring activity and start tracking the metrics that will guide real progress. In this article, we’ll explore the key sales metrics you should be monitoring and how to use that data to boost revenue and build a world-class sales organization. Time to finally unleash your inner data geek!

Lead Generation: How Many New Leads Are You Adding?

Tracking the right sales metrics is key to driving real revenue growth. The numbers that matter most? New leads.

\n\n###1. Lead Generation: How Many New Leads Are You Adding?

If you're not consistently adding new leads, your sales pipeline will dry up fast. Aim for at least 10-20 new leads per sales rep per week. Track how many leads come from each source (inbound, outbound, referrals, etc.) so you can focus your efforts on the most productive areas.

You'll also want to monitor lead quality. Follow up with new leads quickly and note how engaged or interested they seem. Look for trends in the types of leads that are most likely to convert to opportunities. If some lead sources or types aren't panning out, make changes.

Lead conversion rates are also critical. Calculate the percentage of new leads that turn into opportunities and closed deals. If your rates seem low, revisit how leads are being qualified and nurtured. You may need to improve sales processes, retrain reps, or adjust marketing messaging.

Review lead metrics regularly with your sales and marketing teams to make sure everyone is on the same page about goals and priorities. Discuss what's working, what's not, and how to optimize lead generation efforts. With a steady flow of high-quality leads and a system to effectively convert them, you'll be generating more sales in no time.

Keeping a close eye on how many new leads you're adding, the quality of those leads, and your conversion rates will tell you everything you need to know about whether your sales growth is sustainable over the long run. Make lead generation a priority and keep optimizing, and your sales numbers will take care of themselves.

Prospecting: Are You Qualifying Enough Leads?

Are you qualifying enough leads to keep your sales pipeline full? If not, it's time to double down on prospecting.

Prospecting, the act of searching for potential new clients and customers, is the lifeblood of any sales organization. Yet many sales teams spend the bulk of their time on existing leads or accounts. Big mistake.

To grow revenue, you need to continuously add new leads to the top of your funnel. Aim for at least 5-10 new qualified leads per sales rep per week. Not sure where to find them?

•Mine your existing contacts and accounts for referrals. Ask happy clients if they know anyone else who might benefit from your products or services.

•Tap into your networks on LinkedIn. Reach out to former colleagues, old classmates, people in related industries or roles. Start a genuine conversation, then look for opportunities to discuss their business needs.

•Research companies that match your ideal customer profile. Check their websites, news announcements, industry publications. Look for trigger events like new product releases, relocations, or funding rounds that could indicate a need for what you sell. Reach out with a customized pitch.

•Attend industry events, conferences, and meetups. Make personal connections, collect business cards, and follow up to schedule introductory calls.

•Run a targeted social media campaign. Use ads to reach decision makers at companies you want to land. Drive them to a landing page where they can sign up to get more info.

With consistent effort across multiple prospecting channels, you'll have a steady supply of new leads to fuel your sales growth. Now get out there and start qualifying!

Cold Acquisition: How Many New Opportunities Did You Create?

Cold calling and outbound prospecting are the lifeblood of any sales organization. To grow revenue, your team needs to consistently create new opportunities. Track how many new prospects and leads your team is identifying each week and month.

\n\n### How Many Discovery Calls Are Being Scheduled?

The more calls your team schedules, the more opportunities you have to uncover potential new customers. Aim for each rep to schedule at least 10-15 discovery calls per week with new prospects. Listen in on these calls to evaluate your team’s effectiveness and see if any additional training is needed.

\n\n### How Many Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) Are Being Generated?

Not every discovery call will turn into an SQL, but a good rule of thumb is that 1 in 3 should result in a sales qualified lead. Work with your team to establish qualification criteria to determine what makes a good SQL. Things like budget, timeline, key stakeholders, and the prospect’s “pain points” are all important to identify. Be sure to track how many SQLs each rep generates and work with underperformers to improve.

\n\n### How Quickly Are SQLs Converting to Opportunities?

The faster SQLs can turn into real opportunities, the better for your pipeline and revenue targets. Aim for reps to convert at least 50-60% of SQLs into opportunities within 1-2 weeks of the initial call. Review this metric regularly to make sure no SQLs fall through the cracks and your team is following up effectively.

\n\n### How Many Opportunities Turn Into Proof of Concepts or Closed Deals?

The true measure of your team’s effectiveness at new account acquisition is how many new opportunities actually turn into proof of concepts (POCs), pilots, or closed deals. Track the total number of new closed deals and POCs each month and quarter to make sure you’re achieving revenue targets. Hold each rep accountable to a target metric here based on your overall company goals.

Continuously monitoring and optimizing these cold prospecting metrics will drive more qualified opportunities, bigger pipelines, and real revenue growth for your company. Keep tweaking and improving to maximize the return on your team’s prospecting efforts.

Demo & Trial Conversion Rates: Are You Closing Enough Deals?

Closing new customers is the lifeblood of any sales organization. One of the best ways to determine if your team is bringing in enough new logos is to track your demo and trial conversion rates.

\n\n### Demo Conversion Rate

Your demo conversion rate shows what percentage of sales-qualified leads turn into new customers after a product demo. If this number is low, it could signal issues with your demo process or sales messaging.

Review your demo follow-up cadence and the materials your team is presenting. Are you showing the product’s key benefits and differentiators? Do you have a clear CTA for prospects to start a trial? Tightening up your demo deck and follow-up outreach can make a big difference.

You should also consider offering self-service demos or free trials to give prospects a chance to experience the value on their own time. Making it easy for people to interact with your product in a low-pressure way will increase your chances of conversion.

\n\n### Free Trial Conversion Rate

Your free trial conversion rate indicates how many people ultimately purchase after trying your product. If few free trial users convert to paying customers, it suggests your product may be difficult to use, your support resources are lacking, or you’re not clearly communicating the benefits of upgrading.

Review your onboarding process for new trial users. Do you have helpful resources to guide people through setup and key features? Are you reaching out at the right times to answer any questions? Most importantly, are you showing the value of your paid plans versus what’s included in the free trial? Adding or improving any of these elements will boost your trial conversion rate.

Tracking these two metrics regularly and making ongoing optimizations is key to scaling your sales growth in a sustainable way. Even small improvements to your demos, trials, and sales processes can lead to big revenue wins over time. Focus on conversion rates, and the new logos will follow.

Proposal Win Rates: Do You Have a High Enough Hit Rate?

To grow your business, you need to win more deals. One of the best ways to measure your success in this area is by tracking your proposal win rate. This metric shows you the percentage of proposals that convert into new clients or projects. If your win rate is too low, it likely means there are inefficiencies in your sales process that need to be addressed.

A good win rate depends on your industry and sales cycle, but as a general rule, aim for at least 30-50%. If you're below that threshold, here are some areas to evaluate:

Your Qualification Process

Are you spending time pursuing deals that aren’t a good fit? Be sure to qualify leads thoroughly to determine budget, timeline, needs, and decision making process before investing resources into a proposal. Disqualify leads that aren’t viable to improve your win rate.

Your Proposal Strategy

Are you using a cookie-cutter template for each proposal or customizing your approach for each prospect? Tailor your proposals to specifically address the client’s unique problems and needs. Focus on how you will achieve their key objectives and desired outcomes. Personalize your proposals with the client’s name and company to make a good first impression.

Your Solution and Value

Does your proposal clearly articulate your solution, methodology, and the value clients will gain by working with you? Explain your services or products in an easy to understand way. Provide case studies, testimonials, data, or statistics to demonstrate your track record of success and back up any claims about results you can achieve for the client.

Your Follow Up

Do you have a system in place to follow up on proposals and address any questions or concerns the client may have? Following up is critical, as many sales are lost simply due to a lack of communication. Schedule a call or meeting to walk through your proposal, reiterate your understanding of their needs, and explain your solution in more depth. Ask for their feedback and input, then incorporate any requested changes into the final proposal.

Tracking and optimizing your win rate is one of the most important ways to scale your sales and boost revenue growth. Make improvements to the areas above and you'll start winning a healthy percentage of the deals in your pipeline.

Deal Size: Is Your Average Contract Value Increasing?

Tracking your average deal size over time is key to understanding if you’re attracting higher-value customers and closing more lucrative contracts. This metric shows whether your sales team is improving at landing bigger deals or if your product and pricing strategies are resonating with enterprises.

Why Average Deal Size Matters

A higher average deal size means you’re generating more revenue from each new customer. This allows you to scale your business faster without needing as many new deals to hit your targets. It also indicates your product is providing enough value for customers to invest more in it.

On the other hand, a decreasing average deal size could signal that your sales team is having trouble attracting larger accounts or that your pricing needs adjustment. It may also show that new customer segments you’re targeting have lower budgets. Whatever the case, it’s a metric you need to monitor closely.

Some ways to increase your average deal size include:

•Targeting enterprise accounts: Focus your sales efforts on larger companies that have bigger budgets and more complex needs. Make sure your product can handle enterprise-level demands.

•Upselling existing customers: It’s easier to sell more to happy customers than to find new ones. Look for opportunities to upsell and cross-sell current clients to expand their contracts.

•Increasing prices: If your product warrants it and the market can bear it, raising your prices is an obvious way to boost deal size. But do so carefully, as higher prices may deter smaller customers.

•Packaging and bundling: Create product bundles, packages and subscriptions that provide more value for a higher price. This makes it easy for customers to buy more from you at once.

•Longer contract terms: Longer contracts, like those for two or three years, result in higher total contract values. They also provide more stable, predictable revenue streams.

Tracking and improving your average deal size, along with related metrics like customer lifetime value, will ensure your sales growth is sustainable and scalable over the long run. Make it a habit to check in on this KPI at least once a quarter to make sure your deals are getting bigger and better over time.

Time to Close: Are You Closing Deals Fast Enough?

The time it takes to close a deal is critical. If it's taking too long, it could mean you're losing deals to competitors or wasting time on prospects that will never convert. On the other hand, deals that close too quickly might not be the highest quality or most strategic. Track your average time to close to make sure it's optimized.

For most B2B companies, the average time to close a deal is 3 to 12 months. If your time to close is on the longer end of that range (or exceeds it), you'll want to evaluate if there are any roadblocks slowing down your sales cycle. Some things to consider:

•Are your sales reps spending too much time educating prospects before demonstrating your solution’s value? You may need to refine your sales messaging and materials.

•Do you have a defined sales process with clear stages? Without a standardized process, deals can drag on endlessly. Work with your team to map out each stage of your cycle.

•Are prospects getting stalled in the approval process? See if there are any ways to get decision makers engaged earlier and address their key concerns upfront.

•Are your reps struggling to advance opportunities to the next stage? Additional training and coaching may help improve their deal progression skills.

On the other hand, deals that close in an extremely short time frame could indicate your reps are pursuing and closing poor-fit opportunities that won’t generate as much long-term value. If your average time to close dips below 3 months, evaluate if:

•Your reps fully qualify and vet each opportunity before pursuing it. They should confirm the prospect's budget, authority, need, and timeline before investing significant resources.

•Shortened deal cycles are sustainable and scalable. While quick wins are exciting, the majority of your business should come from qualified mid-range or long-term deals.

•Discounts or pricing concessions are being made to speed up closing. This can damage your ability to charge premium rates for your solution.

Tracking time to close is key to optimizing your sales cycle and growth. Make it a habit to check your metrics each month and work with your team to determine the right balance for your business. With consistent focus, you'll close more high-quality deals at the best possible speed.

Expansion Revenue: How Much Are You Growing Existing Accounts?

One of the most critical metrics for any sales team to track is expansion revenue—how much you’re increasing sales from existing customers. This is revenue that comes from:

  • Upselling current customers to higher-tier product plans or larger package sizes.
  • Cross-selling additional products and services to current customers.
  • Renewing and retaining current customers.

Expansion revenue is key because acquiring new customers is 5 to 25 times more expensive than retaining and growing existing ones. Focusing on expansion revenue is one of the highest-impact ways to boost profits and gain a competitive advantage.

Look at expansion revenue from both a macro and micro level. At the macro level, track your total expansion MRR (monthly recurring revenue) and ARR (annual recurring revenue) to see the overall impact of your expansion efforts. Then drill down to see which types of expansion are driving the most growth. Maybe upsells to enterprise plans are skyrocketing, or cross-sells of a new product integration are surging.

Also examine expansion revenue at the customer level. Identify your top expansion opportunities - the accounts with the highest potential to upsell, cross-sell and renew. Build specific plans to expand each major account. Even increasing revenue from top accounts by just 5-10% each can significantly impact your total expansion MRR and ARR.

Of course, the other side of the equation is retention rate - what percentage of customers you’re keeping from churning each month and year. Aim for at least 85-90% customer retention. Look at what causes customers to churn and address those issues. Expanding existing accounts is far easier than constantly replacing lost customers with new ones.

Driving higher expansion revenue and retention rates is how smart companies achieve sustainable, scalable growth. By focusing on these key metrics, you'll gain insight into opportunities, see the impact of your efforts over time, and ensure you're keeping the customers that fuel your business. Measure, analyze and optimize - your growth depends on it!

Software Sales FAQs: Answers to Your Top Questions About Sales Metrics

Software sales metrics provide insights into your business and help guide strategic decisions. But with so many options, it can be hard to know what really matters. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about measuring software sales performance:

\n\n###What are the must-have sales metrics?

The basics you need to track include:

  • Lead generation: How many new leads are you attracting? Measure lead volume, lead quality, and lead conversion rates.
  • Sales pipeline health: Track how many deals are in your pipeline at each stage. Look at average deal size, close rates, and velocity.
  • Closed sales: The holy grail! Track number of new customers, annual recurring revenue (ARR), customer lifetime value (CLV), and churn rates.

\n\n###What metrics should I track for sales productivity?

To monitor your sales team's effectiveness, consider:

  • Number of calls, emails, and meetings per rep: Gives you an overview of activity levels and effort.
  • Conversations to opportunities ratio: Shows how well reps are qualifying leads and advancing discussions.
  • Win rates: Measure both opportunity win rates and forecast win rates to see how accurately reps are predicting outcomes.
  • Time to close: Track how long deals take to close on average. Lengthy sales cycles could indicate issues with the sales process or solution-solution fit.

\n\n###What tools do I need to track sales metrics?

You have a few options:

  • CRM software like Salesforce, HubSpot, or Pipedrive: Centralize lead and deal data to generate reports on key metrics.
  • Business intelligence tools: Services like Domo, Klipfolio, and Google Data Studio connect to your data sources and help you build customized dashboards.
  • Spreadsheets: For smaller teams, spreadsheets can work to manually track key metrics. But they lack the automation and advanced reporting of dedicated sales tools.
  • Pipeline management software: Tools like PipeDrive, InsightSquared, and Ambition provide a specialized solution for visualizing your sales pipeline and performance metrics.

Tracking and analyzing the right sales metrics is key to guiding your sales strategies and keeping your reps accountable. With the software options available today, every sales organization can tap into data-driven insights.


So there you have it, the metrics that really matter when it comes to growing your sales revenue. Stop wasting time tracking vanity metrics that don't actually drive the bottom line. Focus on the numbers that truly indicate whether your sales team is closing high-quality deals at a sustainable rate. By measuring lead response time, win rates, deal velocity, and average deal size, you'll gain valuable insight into how to tweak your sales process for maximum impact. Make tracking these key metrics a habit, review them regularly with your team, and watch as your sales start climbing at a healthy pace. Keep at it and don't get distracted by flashy metrics that look good but don't deliver real results. Stay laser-focused on the numbers that fuel real revenue growth.

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